Mayor of Atlanta Issues a 14-Day Stay At Home Order - Barrett & Farahany

Helping employees find justice in eight states with offices in Illinois, Georgia, and Alabama.

Mayor of Atlanta Issues a 14-Day Stay At Home Order

Mayor of Atlanta Issues a 14-Day Stay At Home Order

On Monday evening, March 23, 2020, Atlanta’s Mayor Keisha L. Bottoms announced that she signed a 14-day stay at home order within the city to help fight the spread of COVID-19.

“Given our population density, high rate of asthma, and various underlying health conditions found within our city’s populations, I am issuing a Stay at Home Order for Atlantans,” said Bottoms in a news release. “Until we flatten the curve of COVID-19 infections, the city must exercise every reasonable power to slow the spread of this virus.”

Under this order, Atlanta residents are to stay at home unless absolutely necessary: to provide essential and/or government services, to complete essential activities, and to work. Though work is included as a necessary activity, the order directs all businesses to cease non-essential operations at physical locations.

Four hours prior to this announcement, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced an executive order which enforces a statewide closure of all bars and nightclubs and a ban of all public gatherings of 10 people or more for the foreseeable future.

In an effort to hold businesses accountable, the Georgia Department of Health has the authority to close any business, organization, nonprofit, or establishment that does not comply with the new restrictions.

These orders serve to protect not only the residents of Atlanta from the spread of coronavirus but the entire state of Georgia — and we don’t just mean the people.

“It’s nice to see that Atlanta’s 2-week ‘shelter in place’ order specifically allows for care of pets as household members, and it’s heartening that the order allows Atlantans to render care to people and pets other than their own,” says Barrett & Farahany Partner Kathy Harrington-Sullivan. “I think highlighting that sense of community and underscoring that we’re all in this together is really important right now.”

If you suspect you are about to be wrongfully terminated due to the COVID-19 pandemic, please call us at 866-951-0903. Our attorneys are available Monday through Friday from 9AM until 5PM and we will be happy to speak with you.

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